Barnyard Animals
This was a six-piece Revell accessory set with a Goat, Pig, Sheep,
Cow and a pair of Horses all selling for ninty-eight cents in the 1957-58 catalog.
Cattle Set
This Revell accessory item is included in the Stock Car offering with cattle
and ramp. The Cattle Set provided three Cows; three Calves; and one Bull. The set also included
the loading and unloading Ramp. This set sold for $1.49.
Power Poles
A dozen 3-bar telephone poles. The Power Poles set was included in
certain Revell train sets and also sold as a separate accessory for forty-nine cents.
Railroad Crew and Hobo
This Revell figure collection included for figures including two Oilers,
a Switchman, and Hobo. The Hobo appears rather well dressed for one down on his luck with his hat and tie. The
set retailed for ninty-eight cents in Revell's 1957-58 catalog.
Sign and Signal Set
This Revell accessory item provided a dozen trackside signs and signals
and sold for forty-nine cents.
Smoke Fuel (not pictured)
Selling for fifty-nine cents, this bottle contained half an ounce of Revell
Smoke Fuel and was listed in the 1957-58 catalog.
Smoke Fuel
According to Revell's catalog description, "just a few drops provide you
with 15 minutes of continuous dense white smoke that's absolutely harmless and pleasantly scented." Revell Smoke
Fuel is first listed in the 1958-59 catalog and was selling then for forty-nine cents for a 1 oz. bottle.
A collection of a half dozen fully detailed figures including a Milkman,
Businessman, School Girl, Housewife, Workman, and Movie Star. The set retailed for ninty-eight cents according to the
Revell 1957-58 catalog.