No. T9016
Revell split up the Barnyard Set (No.T9015) into two additional kit offerings
in the 1959-60 catalog. The Barn kit included four figures and sold for $1.69.
Barnyard Set
No. T9015
Revell catalogs the Barnyard Set first in the 1959-60 catalog. The
set includes a barn with sliding door and movable access door. Additionally, the set provided a horse shed; tool shed;
and rabbit hutch. The set's retail price is listed as $2.49 and included six animals and three people figures, plus

Chicken Coop and 10 Figures
No. T9011
The Chicken Coop and 10 Figures was listed in Revell's 1959-60 catalog
and along with the Farmhouse and Privy (No.T9009) and Garage with Farmer (No.T9010) made up the Complete Farmhouse
Set (No.T9003).
Complete Farmhouse Set
No. T9003
Along with the Trackside Buildings, this was Revell's other new kit offering
for 1958. This included a Farmhouse; Outhouse; Garage; and Chicken House. Revell states the kit is snap together
and that glue was not necessary. The kit pieces are noted as being molded in various colors. The catalog also
states figures and animals are inlcuded in the set, which sold for $1.98 in '58.
Country Schoolhouse
No. T9036
This building kit joined the Revell line with the 1961 product catalog.
The kit's pieces were molded in three colors and Revell included an operating teeter-tooter and tire swing with
this offering. The retail on the Country Schoolhouse kit was $2.98 in 1961.
Crossing Tender's Shack
No. T9008
One of the four pieces that made up Revell's Trackside Buildings Set (No.T9002),
the Crossing Tender's Shack also included a figure and sold for seventy-nine cents as a separate kit.
Elevated Switchman's Shanty
No. T9006
Part of Revell's Trackside Buildings Set (No.T9002), the Elevated Switchman's
Shanty included a figure and sold for eighty-nine cents as a separate kit in the 1959-60 catalog.
Engine Crew Shanty
No. T-9033
Farmhouse with Privy
No. T9009
As Revell did with the Barnyard and Trackside Buildings Sets, the Complete
Farmhouse Set (No.T9003) was individually available according to the 1959-60 catalog. The Farmhouse with Privy also
included three figures and sold for $1.29.

Freight Station
No. 9020
A very familiar looking kit to anyone with an interest in HO-scale trains,
Revell lists this Freight Station among its kits in the 1959-60 catalog. Selling for $1.69, this Freight Station would
find itself in later years among the AHM and TYCO product lines after serving for Revell. An N-scale version of this
same structure also exists.
Fuel Tank
No. T9031
Garage with Farmer
No. T9010
Part of Revell's Complete Farmhouse Set (No.T9003), this small kit included
the farmhouse's Garage with Farmer figure for eighty-nine cents.
Horse Shed, Tool Shed and Rabbit Hutch
No. T9017
The other half of Revell's Barnyard Set (No.T9015), one received the horse
shed, tool shed, rabbit hutch, and five figures for the $1.29 retail price. This item is found in Revell's 1959-60 catalog.
Interlocking Tower
No. T9004
Revell also sold the Trackside Buildings Set (No.T9002) individually.
The Interlocking Tower was a component of the complete set, which Revell offered with two figures as a separate kit for ninety-eight
cents in the 1959-60 catalog.

Maintenance Shed
No. T9022
Found in Revell's 1959-60 catalog is this Maintenance Shed building kit.
The catalog states that the shed doors swing open; the kit included the motor car and trailer; plus a pair of railroad workmen.
The Maintenance Shed kit pieces are molded in three colors according to the catalog. The model sold for $1.29.
Sand & Pump House
No. T9030
Small Town Station
No. T9001
No. H985
This kit, which would later appear in the AHM product line, sold for $2.49
in Revell's 1957-58 product catalog. The "H"-leading stock number is from a later production run of this kit.
The only difference in an H985 example appears to be the stock number and packaging.
Suburban House
No. T9034
Summer Stock Theater
No.T9035 -1961 Release
A new entry in Revell's building kits for 1961, this kit was a barn converted
to a theater with separate ticket box office. The kit also included stage; benches; non-working lights; and was molded
in three colors. Revell notes the benches and doors are movable according to the description in the '61 catalog.
The Summer Stock Theater was originally priced at $2.49 and would survive the Revell line to be among offerings from Con-Cor
in later years.

Superior Bakery
No. T9037
No. H997
A large brick structure molded in colors. Revell included in the Superior Bakery kit a sidewalk
section; fire hydrant; trash bin; lamp post; mailbox; lights; billboard; and decals. Window material was also provided
and the kit sold for $3.98 and was new in the 1961 Revell catalog. The T-series stock number is from the original '60s
release. The white package shown above and the H-series stock number is from Revell's 1977 re-release of this kit.
Trackside Buildings
This collection of four structures arrives in the 1958-59
Revell catalog and included a Switchman's Shanty; Interlocking Tower; Crossing Tender's Shack; and Water Tower and Spout.
The kit parts were molded in a total of three different colors. A set of six figures was also included. The set
of Trackside Buildings retailed for $2.49 in '58.
Water Tower with Spout (see Trackside
Buildings picture)
Part of Revell's Trackside Buildings Set, the 1959-60 catalog
lists the individual pieces of set as being available for purchase alone. The Water Tower with Spout
kit had two figures included with it and sold for ninety-eight cents.
Weekly Herald
No. H996

Yardmaster's Office
