800 "Plus" Power Station
This Revell power pack is listed simply as UL-Approved Power Station
in the 1957-58 catalog and was then sold for $12.95. The pack was rated for 800-millampere power. The same pack
becomes the 800 "Plus" Power Station in the 1958-59 catalog, though the stock number remains the same T6050.
The price in '58 is lowered to $9.95.

1000 MA Power Station
Added to the Revell line in the 1958-59 catalog is this 1000 milliampreres
power pack. The 800 "Plus" Power Station is stated as being powerful enough to run and diesel, but the 1000
MA Power Station is recommended by Revell for all steam locos. This pack featured a self-resetting circuit
breaker. This item's retail in 1958 was $10.95.
Bridge And Trestle Set
Surprisingly not found in the Revell catalogs until the 1959-60 edition,
the Bridge And Trestle Set was a 33-piece accessory. This item included the same Railroad Bridge (No.T6020)
as sold separately in the Revell line and enough piers to create a figure-eight track plan. The Revell catalog staes
the bridge section is scaled from an actual span found on the Santa Fe. The item retailed for $2.98.

Railroad Bridge
Very similar to like examples found in many HO-scale train lines, Revell
catalogs a plastic cast steel girder Railroad Bridge in the 1959-60 catalog. The bridge appears to be the same length
as a 9" straight section of brass track. The catalog does state that the track piece is not included for the item's
ninety-eight cent retail price.

Remote Control Turnout Switches
No.T6075 Left Turnout
No.T6076 Right Turnout
Revell's brass track Remote Control Turnout Switches sold for $4.50 in
the 1957-58 catalog.
Manual Turnout Switches (not pictured)
(No.T6073 Left Turnout) (No.T6074 Right Turnout)
Hand operated brass track switches, which are listed in Revell's 1957-58
catalog for $2.95 each.

Dual-Action Uncoupler
Revell's 1957-58 catalog states this item is the, "only uncoupler with
vertical springs to adjust to height of cars-lets you separate cars without effort whenever you want! Just back cars
to a stop opposite the switchman on the uncoupling ramp and side springs flip couplers apart." This track section was
included in many Revell train sets and sold separately for seventy-five cents in 1957.
Automatic Re-Railer (not pictured)
A 9" section of brass straight track with molded plastic crossing re-railer
section. This item is listed for sixty-cents in the 1957-58 catalog.
Straight Track (not pictured)
Typical 9" section of brass track. Revell lists a single section at a quarter
in 1957 or you could buy a dozen straight sections for $3.00.
Curved Track (not pictured)
(No.6072 18" Radius)
(No.6071 15" Radius)
Selling for the same quarter each that Revell sold straight sections, one
could build a pike with either 18" or 15" radius curves. Revell also lists these 9" section track pieces as being sold
in dozen lots for $3.00.
Curved Terminal Track (not pictured)
Typical 9" section of 18" radius curved brass track with plastic mounted
plate that contains two screws for power wires coming off power pack. Revell lists this item at seventy-five cents for
Bumper Track (not pictured)
Short 4" section of straight with molded bumper unit fixed to its end for
use on sidings. This item retailed for forty-nine cents in 1957.