F7 Diesel Locomotive
Baltimore & Ohio
No. T3502 -1958 Release
Along with a red-and-silver warbonnet Santa Fe model, this Deluxe Baltimore &
Ohio (B&O) offering is the other upscale F7 offering from Revell. The B&O example appears first in
the 1958-59 Revell catalog. See the description of the Santa Fe Deluxe F7 (No. T3504) for details on the model's
features and pricing. The B&O F7 is not among Revell's 1959-60 separate locomotives, but is listed as one of the
roadnames available for Revell's Complete Railroad Empire (No.T7067) train set. This would mean that Revell should have
also produced a non-powered example of the B&O F7 for use in that train set.
F7 Diesel Locomotive
Canadian Pacific
No. T3500 -1959 Release
Revell's Canadian Pacific (CP) F7 is one of
the variations provided for the F7 Road Diesel And 3 Cars With Railroad Bridge train set. Found in the 1959-60 and the
1961 catalog, the CP F7 is listed along with New Haven, Santa Fe, and Union Pacific as options for roadnames on
that train set release.

F7 Diesel Locomotive
New Haven
No. T3513 -1958 Release
The 1958-59 catalog included three additional road names (New Haven, Rock Island,
and Union Pacific). Revell's New Haven F7 retailed for $7.95 as a separate offering and was included in the
company's T7061 New Haven F7 Road Diesel And 3 Cars Train Set in 1958. This New Haven F7 returns in train sets
and as a separate loco offering in Revell's 1959-60 catalog.

F7 Diesel Locomotive
Rock Island
No. T3515 -1958 Release
Dressed in Rock Island's black and red Rocket Freight scheme, this is the only Revell
loco that according to catalog availability did not have a matching Caboose model. The Rock Island F7 arrives with the
addition of the New Haven and Union Pacific F7 models in 1958-59. Like those F7 offerings, Revell's Rock Island F7 retailed
for $7.95 in 1958.
F7 Diesel Locomotive
Santa Fe -Freight
No. T3500
No. T3510
An early Revell fold out catalog that is undated, but may be 1956 shows a Santa
Fe F-unit with the road's "cat whisker" freight paint and states the Revell model is a blueprint-perfect F9 and not an
F7, as the company later actually marketed. This same catalog lists the original T3500 stock number, but shows
a retail price of $14.95 for the model. Revell lists its blue-and-yellow Santa Fe F7 Road Diesel (No.T3500) in
the 1957-58 catalog with a retail of $19.98. The Santa Fe example returns in 1958-59 with a new stock number of
3510 and a retail of $7.95. The same stock number and $7.95 retail are also correct for this model in Revell's 1959-60
catalog. It is possible the 1957 example was similar to the Deluxe F7's offered beginning in 1958, but that is not confirmed.

F7 Diesel Locomotive
Santa Fe -Passenger
No. T-3504 -1958 Release
This model is one of Revell's Deluxe examples. The difference between the
standard F7 and this Deluxe model appears to the inclusion of engineer and fireman figures, illuminated number boards, windshield,
and possibly the addition of Revell's Dyna-Glide motor. This red-and-silver Santa Fe Deluxe F7 is first seen in Revell's
1958-59 catalog and had a retail price of $12.98. The deluxe models are not found among separate Revell offerings in
the 1959-60 catalog. The Santa Fe Passenger F7 models do appear in the 1959-60 Revell catalog however, powering the
Complete Railroad Empire (No.T7068) train set. This would suggest that Revell produced not only the powered Santa Fe
Deluxe F7, but a non-powered Santa Fe red-and-silver Revell F7 should also exist.

F7 Diesel Locomotive
Union Pacific
No. T3511 -1958 Release
The third new roadname added to the standard F7 Diesels in 1958 was this Union
Pacific (UP) example. It sold for $7.95 when new in 1958. The UP F7 is listed again in Revell's 1959-60
catalog as a separate sale release and again that year is selling for $7.95.
