Clear The Tracks For The Revell HO R-T-R Railroad Line
This undated Revell publication is thought to have been issued in 1956. The cover announces
Revell's then-new line of HO-scale model trains. This catalog is an 8-page multi-color 8-1/2" x 11" foldout. No
actual pictures are included, beyond the train set package images which don't show much and appear heavily re-touched.
The catalog includes the introduction of Revell's F-unit, noted as being an F-9 here, in Santa Fe
cat whisker paint scheme. The Atlantic Coast Line SW-7 is also here, as is the Union Pacific 0-6-0 Steam Loco.
Revell includes prices for these locos and they are below what is found in the 1957-58 catalog, but above what is found in
the later 1958-59 and 1959-60 catalogs. Revell lists its Box Car; Stock Car; Gondola; Flat Car; Coal Hopper; Refrigerator
Car; and Caboose.
Revell includes the same four train set offerings that would populate the company's 1957-58 catalog.
A small section also illustrates Revell's track; power pack; and figures offerings.
The Road To Real Railroading Fun
This is another undated Revell catalog, however it appears to be from early in the model train line
offerings. Click on the catalog cover image and you'll be taken to a page with links to the complete catalog in a larger
viewable form.

A Man's Train For A Boy To Grow With...Revell
1957-58 Catalog
This Revell catalog features five train set offerings (T7050; T7000; T7001; and T7100). All
are presented with great two-page artwork spreads, which may be seen on the Train Sets page of this site. The Powerhouse
Engines section features the blue and yellow Santa Fe F-7; UP and ACL SW-7 models; and the UP 0-6-0. Revell's Authentic
Freight Cars include the Caboose; Refrigerator Car; Stock Car; Box Car; Coal and Cement Hoppers; Extra Long Gondola; Extra
Long Flat Car. The Small Town Station is the one and only building kit in the 1957-58 product catalog. Accessories
include Revell's Barnyard Animals; Cattle Set; Power Poles; Railroad Crew and Hobo; and Townspeople. There is only one
Power Station power pack and Revell's line of brass track, plus the half-ounce Smoke Fuel make up the products in this publication.
The back cover promotes Revell's Authentic Kits 1957-58 Collector's Guide catalog with a clip-out coupon to mail in with a
dime to request a copy of that year's 24-page full color catalog.

Choose Revell...H-O 1958-59 Catalog
This catalog carries a cover price of 10-cents and lists Revell's HO-scale trains for 1958-59 that
are promoted within the pages of this edition with the familiar slogan, "Twice The Fun In Half The Space." Train set
in this catalog include Revell's T7060-T7062; T7002; T7011; T7101; T7003-4; and T7051-2. Revell expands its Freight
Cars in the 1958-59 catalog by adding the Pickle Car; Pulpwood Car and Cable Reel Car. New roadnames are added for the
F-7 and SW-7, plus this year's catalog designates certain examples of both locos as being deluxe offerings. The Small
Town Station kit is joined by the Trackside Buildings and Complete Farmhouse Set. Revell also launches its operating
accessories with the then-new Operating Crossing Gate. Two Power Stations are cataloged in 1958-59 and the Revell Smoke
Fuel has doubled to a 1oz. bottle. The back cover features Revell's HO-scale brass track offerings and the company's
model kit catalog for 1958-59 is promoted with a clip-out mail-in coupon to request a copy.

1959-60 Revell HO-Train Catalog
This catalog appears to be Revell's last one to focus upon the HO-scale model train line exclusively.
Train sets found in the 1959-60 Revell catalog include F-7 powered sets T7063-66, which includes the only reference to a Canadian
Pacific example of the F-7; T7150 and T7152 featuring the then-new 0-4-0 Yard Hog Steam Switcher; T7015-T7017 with SW-7 power;
the 0-6-0 sets were T7102 and T7103. A pair of Revell F-7 Diesels are in control of sets T7067 and T7068, which is the
only cataloged mention of a non-powered F-7. Revell adds a single new freight car in 1959-60, the Bunk Car. Beyond
some roadname changes, the remainder of the Revell rolling stock fleet is similar to previous year's offerings. The
deluxe designations are dropped on the F-7 and SW-7 and the 0-4-0 Yard Hog Steam Switcher is new. Revell's building
kits expand for 1959-60 with a new Barnyard Set; a Maintenance Shed; and Freight Station. Revell adds a Global Van Lines
Truck Kit; and a Railroad Bridge is new along with a 33-piece Bridge And Trestle Set. Operating accessories expand from
only the Operating Crossing Gate of 1958-59 to include the Operating Hopper Set; Operating Engine House; and Track Cleaner
Car for 1959-60.