How To Run Your Revell H-O Electric Train Set
This 16-page black-and-white publication is copyright 1956 and appears to carry a Revell product number
T8001. This appears to be what Revell included with a train set. Very general information is provided on connecting
track sections and hooking up wires from the power pack to the terminal track. There is some very valuable Do's and
Don't's included like Don't let metal or Christmas tree tinsel lie on track and Don't bend, distort or step on
track. Guess my days of bending, distorting and stepping on track are over. This manual's final pages are
devoted to exploded parts diagrams for Revell's SW-7; F-7; and 0-6-0 Steamer. These diagrams may be seen by following
the links located near the bottom of each of those locomotive pages on this site.

How To Run Your Revell H-O Electric Train
This yellow colored fold-out manual is another example of Revell's How To Run publications.
This one is copyright 1958 and does not carry a Revell stock number on it. This instruction manual contains less information
than the '56 example and is a 8-1/2" x 14" sheet tri-folded.

How To Run Your Revell H-O Electric Train
This undated instruction manual is very similar to the yellow 1958 example. Of some curious
interest is the image on its cover. The trains pictured include what appears to be Revell's 0-4-0 and the PFE Reefer,
but there's a center-cupola caboose that doesn't look like anything Revell offered and there's also a D&RGW and NYC
40' Gondolas that don't appear to be Revell.