1980 Collector Series
The Early Years
No. 6-9429 -1980 Release
1980 Collector Series
The Standard Gauge Years
No. 6-9430 -1980 Release
1980 Collector Series
The Pre War Years
No. 6-9431 -1980 Release
1980 Collector Series
The Post War Years
No. 6-9432 -1980 Release
1980 Collector Series
The Golden Years
No. 6-9433 -1980 Release
1980 Collector Series
Joshua Lionel Cowen - The Man
No. 6-9434 -1980 Release

Lionel's 1980 catalog is the first to formally acknowledge and present a selection
of releases under the Collector Series banner. Five Lionel Box Cars are presented in a commemoration of the 100th anniversary
of the birth of Joshua Lionel Cowen. Three of the cars are available as separate releases; while two are exclusive to train
sets. There is an additional box car that was not cataloged, Joshua Lionel Cowen - The Man (No. 6.9434). Lionel would complete
this set in 1982 with the release of a Joshua Lionel Cowen Commemorative 4-6-4 Hudson Steam Engine and Tender (No. 6.8210)
and Bay Window Caboose (No. 6-6421). You'll find those two releases presented on another page of this section of the resource.