Famous American Railroad Series 2
Union Pacific 2-8-4 Berkshire Steam Engine and Tender
No. 6-8002 -1980 Release
Famous American Railroad Series 2
Union Pacific Box Car
No. 6-9419 -1980 Release
Famous American Railroad Series 2
Union Pacific Reefer
No. 6-9811 -1980 Release
Famous American Railroad Series 2
Union Pacific Tank Car
No. 6-9367 -1980 Release
Famous American Railroad Series 2
Union Pacific Covered Hopper
No. 6-9366 -1980 Release
Famous American Railroad Series 2
Union Pacific Flat Car with Trailers
No. 6-9383 -1980 Release
Famous American Railroad Series 2
Union Pacific Bay Window Caboose
No. 6-9368 -1980 Release

Lionel's 1980 catalog features Union Pacific
as the second Famous American Railroad. The Berkshire heading up this collection is noted in the 1979 catalog as not having
been available from Lionel since 1968. The engine's smoke deflectors are presented as a new tooling piece from Lionel. The
engine had Lionel's electronic whistle and smoke, plus the electronic steam sound. As was the case with the 1979 Santa Fe
Famous American Railroad collection, the rolling stock included consists of a box car, reefer, tank car, covered hopper and
bay window caboose.