Challenger 4-6-6-4 Steam Engine
Clinchfield No.5113-04
Challenger 4-6-6-4 Steam Engine
Delaware & Hudson

Challenger 4-6-6-4 Steam Engine
Rio Grande No. 5113-05 -1979 Release

Challenger 4-6-6-4 Steam Engine
Union Pacific (Freight Version)

Challenger 4-6-6-4 Steam Engine
Union Pacific "Greyhound"
The 1981 AHM catalog refers to this version of the Challenger as a Union Pacific
"Gray Hound" and the model receives a new five-digit stock number.

Challenger 4-6-6-4 Steam Engine
Union Pacific w/smoke deflectors
AHM's 4-6-6-4
"Challenger" joins the product line in the spring of 1977. A 1980
listing shows this model at $349.98. This big steam engine like many in the AHM line was built in Italy by Rivarossi. A
review of the model may be found in the June 1977 issue of Railroad Modeler magazine. The review is positive
with the exception of the comment, "The only unhappy note about the Challenger is the realization that the day of the inexpensive
locomotives, where it be brass or plastic, is over." The Challenger's original list price was $149.98 in 1977 at the
time of this new product review.