Crossing Gate
The 1978 and Life-Like catalog lists the Woodberry Crossing Gate Action Accessory as a new
release and it carries stock number 08709. The 1979 Life-Like catalog price list gives $7 as this item's retail and
it is still listed with the same name and stock number.
For 1980, Life-Like states this item receives new packaging and it also has a different stock number
08209. The Woodberry name remains for 1980, but 1981 has the name as Operating Crossing Gate with the second,
08209, stock number.
The base and crossing gate look very much like that of the similar TYCO accessory. TYCO's address
was also Woodbury Heights, New Jersey at one time; look at the name of this Life-Like accessory. Below is the image
Life-Like provided for this item in the 1978 catalog. You'll note that it appears to be a TYCO Crossing Gate and not
representative of what Life-Like would actually offer.