Bob's Dump Station
No. 08704 -1975 Release
Listed among Life-Like's Operating HO Accessories in the 1975 catalog is Bob's Dumping
Station Set. This appears to be this item's first catalog appearance. For 1975 and 1976, this item is displayed
in Life-Like's catalog with a gray dump car lettered in black for Southern Pacific's Texas & New Orleans subsidary.
Beginning in 1977, the car has the more familiar McKeesport Coal yellow dump car.
This accessory carrying the Bob's name continues through the end of the 1970s.
A 1977 Life-Like price list gives a $7 retail for the item. With the introduction of Life-Like's Precision Engineered
package design in 1980, this item changes name and stock number becoming the Operating Gravel Unloader (#08204).