![Life-Like McDonald's Kit](http://www.ho-scaletrains.org/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ll_mcdonalds_mib.jpg)
Hamburger Stand
No. S359K -1970 Release
Easily the most notable of all building kits ever issued by Life-Like is this
hamburger stand featuring the McDonald's name. The kit arrives on the market in 1970 and was reportedly withdrawn after
it was discovered that not all approvals needed were in place between involved parties.
Life-Like does include this kit until at least its 1973 Landscaping and Scenic
Material catalog. Though no image is provided in the catalog, the same name and stock number is included in this 1973
listing. Of additional interest, is the listing in this same 1973 catalog for a pre-assembled Hamburger Stand carrying
stock number S357F. To date, I have never seen an example of a pre-built McDonald's kit in a Life-Like package.
Seen above is an ad for the McDonald's kit from the December
1971 edition of Railroad Model Craftsman magazine. The kit is number S 359K in the Life-Like line and carried a $3.00
retail price. Notice too that the kit's name is not McDonald's, but Hamburger Drive-In.