The Chattanooga
(No. 7423)
The 1986 Chattanooga set was promoted in the catalog as being a Giant 100
Piece Set. Included was a Lighted 0-8-0 Steam Loco and Tender with Smoke; Gondola Car with Pipes; 50' Box Car; Pulpwood
Car; Caboose; 17-piece Bridge & Trestle Set; 48 Poles and Signs; 14 sections of Track including a Curved Terminal Rerailer
to make a 36" x 45" oval; and Power Pack. The set also is listed as including a bonus Piper Loader (No.958).
The catalog description does not include it, but the image and train set box show an Auto Loader with 6 Cars (No.349) also
being part of this set.

Long Hauler
(No. 7407)
A new train set offering according to TYCO's 1986 catalog was The Long
Hauler - Giant 72 Piece Train Set. The set included a Lighted Virginian Alco 430 Diesel; Tank Car; Auto Loader with
6 Cars; 50' Box Car; Gondola with Pipes; Caboose; Auto Unloading Station; 24 Signs and Poles; 17-piece Bridge & Trestle
Set; 14 Sections of Track including a Curved Terminal Rerailer that made a 36" x 45" oval; and Power Pack. The Auto
Unloading Station uses the same base with sign as TYCO's Piggyback Flat Car Set (No.901). Rather than having
a sticker that proclaimed "Truck Terminal," the Auto Unloading Station's sign read "Auto Terminal." The Auto Unloading
Station was never known to be offered as a separate item outside of train set offerings. It should also be noted that
the catalog includes the General Purpose Streamline Cupola Caboose, though many sets featured an appropriately matched blue
and yellow Virginian Streamline Cupola Caboose.

Electric Train Action Play Set
(No. 7410)
A new selection in TYCO's train sets in 1986 was this set based on a children's
television program. The set included a Lighted M.A.S.K. Loco with Guns; M.A.S.K. 50' Flat Car; M.A.S.K. Gondola with
Laser Cannon, and M.A.S.K. Caboose. Accessories found in the set include M.A.S.K. Car Launcher and '57 Chevy; Van; M.A.S.K.
Command Center; Set of 6 Boulders; M.A.S.K. Label Sheet; 36" circle of track and power pack.
For its 1986 edition of the Christmas Wish Book, Sears includes five HO-scale train sets. Three
sets are from TYCO and a pair are Bachmann-made. This set is one of them found in the '86 Wish Book and it was Sears
stock number 49 N 95206 and sold for $32.99.

Railroad Empire
(No. 7429)
NEW for 1986, TYCO's Railroad Empire train set is the company's high-end
offering for the year. A Santa Fe Lighted Alco Super 630 (#250-21) diesel serves as power the set. Items
are many in this set and include an Operating Pipe Loader (#958); Operating Crossing Gate (#908); Autoloader with Six Autos
(#349) and Auto Unloading Station; Pipe Dump Car (#953); Horse Car and Depot Set (#869); Log Dump Car (#952); 40' silver Texaco
Tank Car (#315A); Santa Fe streamline Caboose; TYCOKIT Arlee Station (#7761); 24 Poles and Signs; TYCOSCENE Layout Board (#7940);
a 36" x 45" oval of track and TYCO Power Pack (#895).

Electric Train and Battle Set
(No. 7415)
Another new offering in the TYCO 1986 catalog, the Rambo set enjoys only
a single appearance in the world of TYCO catalogs. The set featured a Lighted Special Forces Loco, Special Forces Flat
Car, Gondola, Tank Car and Caboose. A Battlegound Play Mat with Battleground Bridge. The mat was a variation
of the TYCOSCENE layout board. The good guys out number the bad guys by a pair with the set providing 24 Special Forces
Soldiers and 22 Enemy Army Soldiers. The set also included 3 Crates; a Special Forces Label Sheet; a 36" x 45" oval
of track; and power pack. The catalog shows the typical TYCO Diesel Switcher, but some substitution has been found in
the loco packaged in sets such as Rambo and G.I. Joe. The sub switcher is still a small industrial switcher, but not
the same one that was a normal player in the TYCO line for many years.
The Sears 1986 Christmas Wish Book includes this TYCO offering and it was Sears stock number 49 N
95170 and sold for $34.99.

Rock Island Express
(No. 7403)
This train set featured a red-and-yellow Rock Island Lighted Shark Nose
diesel (#222-10); a green 50' Burlington Northern Box Car (#339E); a yellow Union Pacific 40' Hopper Car (#344E); and
a red with yellow roof Rock Island streamline Caboose. The set included TYCO's 17-piece Bridge and Trestle Set (#907);
14-sections of track to build a 36" x 45" oval layout and TYCO's #895 Power Pack.

Electric Train and Battle Set
(No. 7430)
Turbo Train
The TYCO HO-Scale Train line takes some curious twists and turns in its
later years. The introduction of the Turbo Trains is among the new and different directions TYCO went from the mid-'80s
through 1993. The Turbo Train set of 1986 is the first in this series. The Turbo Train had the 3-piece Loco, Coach,
Caboose Turbo Train. Fold-up cardstock accessories included a Tower, Tunnel, and Bridge. The set had 32 sections
of track with a pair of Cradles to allow the Turbo Train to run up walls. A Nite-Glow Decoration Sheet, Controller and
Power Pack finished out this set's contents.
This set is one of three TYCO sets included in the Sears 1986 Christmas
Wish Book. It carried Sears stock number 49 N 95180 and sold for $44.99 that year.