Unchanged from its 1983 debut, TYCO's Casey Jones train set for 1983 was again this steam powered
entry. A Lighted 0-6-0 Steam Loco and Tender (#257-76) dressed in Southern Railway green with gold lettering pulls a blue
Conrail Hopper Car (#344H); a green Burlington Northern 40' Gondola with 3-yellow magnet-equipped barrels (#341G); a 40' silver
Swift Reefer Car and the General Purpose red streamline Caboose with white stripes carrying the number "689" brings up the
rear of this train's consist. The set included the typical TYCO 36" x 45" oval of track with Power Pack, plus the Casey Jones
set came with the Giant Operating Crane for 1983. When sold as a separate item in the Action Accessory line, the Giant Operating
Crane (#950) includes the 50' USS Steel Car and Unloading Area mat. Neither item appears included in this train set.
The set's name comes from a real life American train engineer, Casey
Jones, who worked for the Illinois Central in the late 1800s. TYCO's set included a Southern Railway locomotive and not
Illinois Central.
Casey Jones
(No. 7408)
Unchanged from its debut in '83, TYCO cataloged this steam powered
set a third year in 1985. A Lighted 0-6-0 Steam Loco and Tender (#257-76) dressed in Southern Railway green with
gold lettering pulls a blue Conrail Hopper Car (#344H); a green Burlington Northern 40' Gondola with 3-yellow magnet-equipped
barrels (#341G); a 40' silver Swift Reefer Car and the General Purpose red streamline Caboose with white stripes carrying
the number "689" brings up the rear of this train's consist. The set included the typical TYCO 36" x 45" oval of track
with Power Pack, plus the Casey Jones set came with the Giant Operating Crane for 1983. When sold as a separate item
in the Action Accessory line, the Giant Operating Crane (#950) includes the 50' USS Steel Car and Unloading Area mat.
Neither item appears included in this train set.

The Chattanooga
Yet another variation of TYCO's Chattanooga Choo-Choo train set arrives
with the 1985 catalog. This set included an 0-8-0 Steam Loco and Tender with Smoke, 50' Billboard Box Car, Pulpwood
Car, Hopper Car, and Caboose. A 17-piece Bridge & Trestle Set was included with The Chattanooga's 36"x 45" track
plan and 1-amp TYCOPak.

Electric Train and Battle Set
(No. 7418)
This set featured a Lighted G.I. Joe Loco, which was TYCO's Diesel Switcher
cast in Army Green color. Rolling stock included a 40' Tank Car; 50' Flat Car; 40' Gondola; and Caboose all dressed
for G.I. Joe military service. TYCO included a G.I. Joe Label Sheet, which provided the logos for the various pieces
of rolling stock and the set's diesel loco. As found in a new set, the diesel and cars should be simply green without
A Battleground Play Mat serves as the decorated base for the set's 36"
x 45" oval track plan. The mat was a variation of the recently introduced TYCOSCENE board. Though not exactly
1/87th HO-Scale, TYCO included 20 G.I. Joe Soldiers and 2 G.I. Joe Paratroopers; a G.I. Joe Jeep; Helicopter; Boat; and 2
Tanks. Nearly Equally prepared for battle was G.I. Joe's enemy the Cobra Command. The Cobra troops also numbered
20 Soldiers and a pair of Cobra Paratroopers. The Cobra Command though only had a Jeep at their disposal. A Battleground Bridge was also among this set's contents. Finally, a
1-amp U.L.-Listed TYCOPak completed this offering.

Rail Master 72
Giant 72-Piece Train Set
(No. 7413)
Introduced in the 1984 catalog, this set was unchanged for its second appearance in 1985 and featured
a red and silver Santa Fe GP-20 Diesel, 40' Tank Car, 40' Hopper, 50' Plug Door Box Car, AutoLoader with Six Autos, and a
Streamline Cupola Caboose. This set also boasted an Auto Unloading Station, which was TYCO's Truck Terminal re-dressed
with a different sign. Additionally, this well appointed set had a 24-piece Poles & Signs Set; 17-piece Bridge &
Trestle Set and a 36" x 45" oval track plan with 1-amp TYCOPak.
Rock Island Express
(No. 7403)
This train set featured a red-and-yellow Rock Island Lighted Shark Nose
diesel (#222-10); a green 50' Burlington Northern Box Car (#339E); a yellow Union Pacific 40' Hopper Car (#344E); and
a red with yellow roof Rock Island streamline Caboose. The set included TYCO's 17-piece Bridge and Trestle Set (#907);
14-sections of track to build a 36" x 45" oval layout and TYCO's #895 Power Pack.

Super Rail Master
Giant 102-Piece Train Set
(No. 7426)
The Super Rail Master is back in 1985 for its second year in the TYCO line.
Powered by a Virginian Alco Century 430, the set's rolling stock included a AutoLoader with Six Autos, Gondola with Pipe,
50' Steel Car, Hopper Car, Tank Car, and Caboose. Accessories included the Auto Unloading Station, 33-piece Bridge
& Trestle Set, Operating Crane, 24-Poles & Signs and enought Tru-Steel Track to create a 40" x 87" Figure-8 layout
powered by a TYCOPak. The 50' Steel Car and Operating Crane in this set were sold separately as TYCO's U.S. Steel Giant
Operating Crane (No.950). The set box is shown to include the general purpose red caboose, but examples have been seen
with a blue and yellow Virginian Caboose as part of this set.

Electric Train and Battle Set
No. 7430

US-1 Road & Rail
(No. 3235)
This is the final year for this combination US-1 Trucking and HO-Scale
Train set.
The train set contents were a Lighted Alco Century 430 in yellow-and-red
Rock Island dress (#235-10); a yellow 40' Union Pacific Hopper Car (#344E); a green 50' Burlington Northern Box Car; a silver
Texaco Tank Car (#315A); and a red with yellow roof Rock Island streamline Caboose (#327-10). A Power Pack (#899) and
enough track to create a 39"x48" layout. TYCO included two road-and-rail straight crossing sections.
The trucking portion of the set included a Dump Truck (#3901); Truck Cab
(#3904) and Gravel Trailer (#3925); Dump Yard; Gravel Bin; Operating Gravel Hopper; Logs; Highway Signs; 16-sections of US-1
track; a pair of red US-1 controllers; and TYCO's racing line wall Power Pack. This set is the same in
contents and number to the 1981 offering.