SD35 Diesel
Burlington Northern
No. 3303-008 -1980 Release

SD35 Diesel
Ontario Northland
This Onatrio Northland SD35 model is not among the listings for SD-35
releases in any of my own Pemco literature. My guess would be that it should be in an Aurora package, as most
other Canadian roadnames were in the Pemco line. However, this example appears to be from a Pemco box.
SD35 Diesel
The Rock
No. 3301-039 -1980 Release
SD35 Diesel
Santa Fe
No. 3303-001 -1980 Release

SD35 Diesel
Union Pacific
No. 3303-011 -1980 Release

SD35 Diesel
Reviewing the Pemco shell, one would note it as a close relative to
the Atlas-Roco produced SD-35. The Atlas model was first offered in the mid-'70s and more information
may be found on my Atlas site. As is typically done in the model railroad industry, we can assume the Atlas-Roco SD-35
was the "inspiration" for this Pemco shell.
As with other Pemco clones, the SD-35 is not an exact clone of the Roco-made
Atlas unit. The model features treadwalk, which is a rare addition to any R-T-R shell of its time.
The drive unit is typical of those found on Pemco offerings. One
truck is powered by a combination of gears located above the wheels. Both trucks feature talgo couplers. Below
is the Pemco SD-35 drive.

Above is the origin mark found on the bottom of the Pemco SD-35 fuel tank.
Above is a Chessie System decorated Atlas SD35 from the 1970s. This
model was built for Atlas by Roco in Austria and was first sold in the U.S. in 1975. It is thought that the Atlas-Roco
SD35 was the inspiration for the Pemco example. You may click on the image of the Chessie SD35 above to read and view
more regarding the Atlas 1970's edition SD35 model.
The Pemco tooling is the basis for the more recent IHC (International Hobby Corp.) SD35 release.
A GM&O SD35 example is displayed below. The GM&O model was built by Mehano in Slovenia for IHC.