2-6-0 Mogul Steam Engine
Pennsylvania Railroad
No. 3201-002 -1980 Release

2-6-0 Mogul Steam Engine
Santa Fe
No. 3201-001 -1980 Release
The production run Pemco Santa Fe 2-6-0 Mogul is pictured above, the
catalog image had what appears to be a Southern-green steamer with A.T.&S.F. on its cab in white and the number 7809 in
large white letters on its tender. To date, I have not seen a green Santa Fe 2-6-0 and assume it to be a pre-production

2-6-0 Mogul Steam Engine
No. 3201-043 -1980 Release
2-6-0 Mogul Steam Engine
Southern Pacific
No. 3201-004 -1980 Release

The Pemco 2-6-0 Mogul was powered with a tender drive, very similar in
design to that used by TYCO at the time. The model was later included in IHC Hobby's catalog and was a product of Mehano
in Yugoslavia.