
A-3 Shunter 0-4-0 Steam Engine
Dockside 0-4-0 Steam Engine
Teakettle 0-4-0 Steam Engine
4-4-0 Old Timer Steam Engine
0-4-0 Steam Engine with Tender
2-6-0 Steam Engine
2-8-2 Mikado Steam Engine
4-6-0 Steam Engine
Pacific 4-6-2 Steam Engine
GG1 Electric
SW7 Diesel Switcher
F9-A Diesel Locomotive
Century 628 Diesel Locomotive
RS-11 Diesel Locomotive
C-415 Diesel Locomotive
FP-45 Diesel Locomotive
F40PH Diesel Locomotive
Low-Nose GP38-2 Diesel Locomotive
Hi-Nose GP-38-2 Diesel Locomotive
Locomotive and Caboose Set
Freight Cars
Passenger Cars
Spirit of '76
Circus Trains
Promotional-Special Run Trains
Action Cars
Action Accessories
Building Kits
Train Sets
Light Ups
Super Light Ups
Life-Like History
About The Author

Century 628 Diesel Locomotive
Burlington Northern
No. 8333

Century 628 Diesel Locomotive
Delaware & Hudson
No. T238K
No. 08341
The 1976 Life-Like catalog is that last time the company includes the Century 628 among its locomotive offerings.  The D&H model is found in the '76 catalog and includes both powered and dummy examples listed.

Century 628 Diesel Locomotive
Lehigh Valley
No. 08331
The 1976 Life-Like catalog includes the Lehigh Valley Century 628 offering.  Both powered and dummy examples are listed for the Lehigh Valley model.  The Lehigh Valley Century 628 makes a return appearance in the Life-Like line in the mid 1980s, along with a Santa Fe; Burlington Northern; and Undecorated example.

Life-Like Centry-628 Monon

Century 628 Diesel Locomotive
No. T238R

Century 628 Diesel Locomotive
Santa Fe
No. 8332
A mid '80s Life-Like catalog includes the FP45 and ALCO-628 locomotives on its back cover.  This appears to be the second time Life-Like included the Century 628 in its product offerings. 

Century 628 Diesel Locomotive

No. T238S
No. 8330

A Life-Like 1973 price listing includes the Century 628 as a new item for that year.  The model retailed for $20 and was listed as available initially dressed for Monon; Delaware & Hudson; and Union Pacific service, plus an Undecorated version.  This model was produced for Life-Like in Yugoslovia and departs from the company's product line after its appearance in the 1976 catalog. 
The Century 628 does make a return run in the Life-Like line in the middle 1980s.  Burlington Northern; Lehigh Valley; Santa Fe; and Undecorated Century 628's are included in this second offering by Life-Like.  I believe the tan boxes with brown stripes are representative of the packaging on this second run.
A review of the Life-Like HO-scale Century 628 Diesel Locomotive may be found in the March 1974 Railroad Model Craftsman magazine.  A notice appears regarding revised tooling in the July 1974 Railroad Model Craftsman not long after Life-Like's introduction of this diesel.  The original Century 628 tooling lacked the three lights above the numberboards and numberboard detail was poor.  Life-Like apparently had the tooling upgraded and only the first examples would feature these missing details.
This same European-made HO-Scale ALCO Century-628 may be found in the product lines of AHM, Model Power, and most recently IHC.  The recent IHC example retains the same basic shell, but has an improved all-wheel driven motor and many IHC examples featured knuckle couplers as standard features.