Custom Series 50' Plug Door Box Car Blue Jeans
No. 1088
Custom Series 50' Plug Door Box Car Chef Boyardee
No. 1081

Custom Series 50' Plug Door Box Car Dy-No-Mite
No. 1085
As with produciton examples of the Flying Eagle car, note the size difference in graffics found on
this Dy-No-Mite car versus the catalog example.

Custom Series 50' Plug Door Box Car Flying Eagle
No. 1084
Compare the size of the graffics applied to the above production example Flying Eagle car against
the catalog grouping of the six cars from Bachmann's 1980 catalog.

Custom Series 50' Plug Door Box Car Graffiti
No. 1087

Custom Series 50' Plug Door Box Car Old West
No. 1086
Custom Series 50' Plug Door Box Car
Red Ball Express
No. 1083

Custom Series 50' Plug Door Box Car Smuckers
No. 43-1010-C6

Utilizing their 51ft. Plug-Door Box Car, Bachmann introduces the Custom Rolling Stock group in the company's 1980 catalog.
The set is made up originally of six cars (Red Ball Express, Flying Eagle, Dy-No-Mite, Old West Lines, Graffiti, and Blue
Jeans Special) for its 1980 introduction. The half dozen cars remains the same and is still listed as NEW in the Bachmann
1981 catalog. Bachmann stock number 1089 was listed as a dealer assortment of this group in 1980. The Blue Jeans Special
and Dy-No-Mite cars are gone in the 1983 catalog, replaced by Chef Boyardee and Smuckers. Both of these cars added to the
Custom Rolling Stock releases may have gotten their starts in promotional train set offerings from Bachmann. Bachmann changes
its stock numbering system in 1982 and this group's assortment pack becomes 43-1008 and individual numbers on the cars are
no longer listed in catalogs. The Red Ball Express and Flying Eagle fall out of the group as of the 1984 catalog. The remaining
collection of four cars (Chef Boyardee, Old West Lines, Graffiti, and Smuckers) ride out the 1980s without change and last
in catalogs through 1990.