56' Center Flow Hopper ACF Cannonaide

56' Center Flow Hopper CP Rail
No. 1015 -1970 Release
56' Center Flow Hopper Corning
56' Center Flow Hopper
DuPont Plastics
No. 1000 -1970 Release
56' Center Flow Hopper Enjay Plastics
No. 1001 -1970 Release

56' Center Flow Hopper Grace Plastics
No. 1002 -1970 Release
56' Center Flow Hopper Great Northern
No. 1005 -1970 Release
56' Center Flow Hopper Gulf Oil
No. 1006 -1970 Release

56' Center Flow Hopper The Rock

Shell Oil
No. 1003 -1970 Release
Pictured first above is the Shell Oil Center Flow Hopper is an early example from Bachmann.
Notice the box and the car is placed in foam inside the package. A Shell Oil entry remains in Bachmann's line
in later years, but as you may see from the second image the car's decoration is different.
Bachmann's 56' Center Flow Hopper is among the first group of
HO-scale rolling stock offerings in the company's 1970 product catalog. Six roadnames are listed in the 1970 catalog,
Dupont Plastics, Enjay Plastics, Grace Plastics, Great Northern, Grace Plastics, Gulf Oil, and Shell Oil. The CP Rail
Center Flow Hopper is the first roadname addition to the line in 1976, according to the Bachmann catalogs. The model
retails for $4.00 in '76.