51' Mechanical Reefer Authority Pet Foods
This car is from a promotional set offering.

51' Mechanical Reefer Burlington Northern
No. 43 1009 3
The yellow BN car shown here features Bachmann's modernized tooling for its Mechanical Reefer.

51' Mechanical Reefer Canadian National
No. 41-0622

51' Mechanical Reefer CN Wild
No. 1128
51' Mechanical Reefer Iowa Beef No. 43-1009-83
51' Mechanical Reefer Lehigh Valley No. 43-1009-56

51' Mechanical Reefer Miller Beer
No. 1126
Though beer company box cars and reefers are plentiful in HO-scale, they were not so frequently found
in the real world. Bachmann's Miller Beer car however isn't far from a prototype, which may surprise some followers
of model trains. The actual car was not a Mechanical Reefer, but a 50' insulated plug door box car. Bachmann's
model reflects the scheme with a good degree of correctness, even including the appropriate MHLX reporting marks fround on
the prototype. A picture of the actual Miller car may be found in Signature Press Books' "Billboard Refrigerator Cars"
by Richard H. Hendrickson and Edward S. Kaminski.

51' Mechanical Reefer
New York Central
The New York Central example illustrated above is from a Bachmann catalog of the 1970s. I have
an example of this car with the pre-1982 stock number of 1121 that features the modernized tooling with low ladders and no
51' Mechanical Reefer Pacific Fruit Express
No. 1124
51' Mechanical Reefer Penn Central
No. 1127

51' Mechanical Reefer Peterborough
The Peterborough 51' Mechanical Steel Reefer is first found in Bachmann's
1977 catalog.

51' Mechanical Reefer PowerHouse
No. 43-1009-D8
Included in the 1980s Bachmann PowerHouse train set offering.

51' Mechanical Reefer Rock Island
Wearing the one-color simplified The Rock scheme usually found on Bachmann's
51ft. Plug-Door box Car model, the above shows that at least a few Mechanical Reefers found themselves lettered for Rock Island
service by Bachmann.

51' Mechanical Reefer Safeway Foods
No. 1125

51' Mechanical Reefer Santa Fe
No. 1122
There are at least two variations to Bachmann's Santa Fe Mechanical Reefer offering. The first
example pictured here includes the boxed-cross ATSF herald with Texas Chief advertising; later examples include the large
round ATSF herald and that version is presented second above.

51' Mechanical Reefer Seven Up
A late '80s Bachmann offering in its The American train set.

51' Mechanical Reefer Swifts
No. 1123
No. 43 1009 53
The Swifts car was produced with both of Bachmann's Mechanical Reefer toolings, one with roofwalks
and high ladders and the other with no roofwalk and short ladders. Additionally, it appears Bachmann did a variation
of the Swifts model that featured only the red logo.

51' Mechanical Reefer
Union Pacific
No. 43-1009-01
One of seven new body styles added to the HO-scale rolling stock line by
Bachmann in 1972 is the 51' Mechanical Steel Reefer. The car lists for $3.00 in '72 and is initially listed with six
roadnames: Miller, New York Central, Pacific Fruit Express, Safeway, Santa Fe, and Swifts. An N-guage white
Miller Beer example is shown in the catalog to represent this car in 1972.