Georgia Pacific (not pictured)
This car is known to have been included in a Georgia Pacific promotional
train set offering. The Georgia Pacific car is light blue with white lettering and appears similar to Bachmann's Great
Northern offering of this car.

Great Northern

Louisville and Nashville

New Haven

Norfolk and Western

Penn Central

Santa Fe
48' Flat with Logs
Union Pacific
1986-1987 No.43-1003-01
Bachmann introduces a set of 18 new freight car schemes in the 1986 catalog. There is one new
48' Flat with Logs decorated for Union Pacific in the group. The car would return for a second catalog appearance in
Bachmann's 48' 200-Ton Flat 16-Wheels is among the first
group of HO-scale rolling stock offerings in the company's 1970 product catalog. No additions to the roster of 48' 200-Ton
Flats for '71, the retail price that year is listed as $3.00.
During Kader's production for Lionel-HO in the mid-'70s, this car was also found in the short-lived
Lionel-HO line of that period.
AHM sold a car quite similar to the Bachmann example found on this page. Though AHM's 16-Wheel
Flat Car was produced in Europe originally and may possibly have served as the inspiration for this Bachmann model.