85-foot Full-Dome Passenger Car
No. 1254 -1974 Release
No. 43-1017-05 -1982 Release
85-foot Full-Dome Passenger Car
No. 1257 -1978 Release
According to Bachmann's catalogs, 1978 is the first year for this chrome plated example
of the 85-foot Full-Dome, the retail was $9.00.
85-foot Full-Dome Passenger Car
No. 1252 -1974 Release
The Auto-Train 85-foot Full-Dome Passenger Car is the first example shown in Bachmann's catalogs beginning
in 1974. The car remains in the Bachmann catalog through the 1979 edition. Below you may click on the image
of the Auto-Train train set and find more information regarding this offering that includes a pair of these passenger cars.
85-foot Full-Dome Passenger Car
Canadian National
-Canadian Release
85-foot Full-Dome Passenger Car
Santa Fe
No. 1255 -1975 Release
No. 43-1017-02 -1982 Release
85-foot Full-Dome Passenger Car
Santa Fe -Chrome
No. 1258 -1978 Release

Bachmann's first HO-scale passenger car is this 85-foot Full Domed Passenger Car presented in the 1974 catalog. The Santa
Fe roadname joins the Auto-Train and Amtrak listings in the 1974 catalog. The Full Dome is priced at $10 in the 1974 Bachmann
catalog. The 1978 catalog includes the description "Unlighted" for this car and the retail price is down to $8 for regular
examples and $9 for chrome plated versions; however I see no suggestion in prior catalogs that the $10 examples of 1974-77
were lighted.
To aid in navigating tight train set curves, Bachmann's design for the 85-foot Full Dome includes an interesting steering
coupler. Illustrated above is an Auto-Train example showing the rod and arm assembly that makes the truck and coupler turn
in unison.

Con-Cor announced an HO-scale full dome passenger car for 1975 delivery. The car would have been the same prototype used
by Bachmann's example that delivered around this same mid-'70s date. Con-Cor's model never materialized. You may click on
the image above to view a larger version of this announcement.