Twin Diesels
A pair of silver Amtrak F-9A units was included in this Twin Diesels set.
One powered example and a matching dummy, both carrying roadnumber 4316.
Twin Diesels
Burlington Northern
This Twin Diesels set included a pair of BN Sharks with one powered
and one non-powered.
Twin Diesels
Chessie System
Found in TYCO's 1977 catalog is a pair of Chessie System F-9A units, powered
and dummy, with a retail of $19.
Twin Diesels
Delaware & Hudson
This Twin Diesels set included a pair of D&H Sharks with one powered
and one non-powered.
Twin Diesels
New York Central
The TYCO box flap description for this set is bit redundant, Shark Nose
Powered & Non-Powered Dummy New York Central.
Twin Diesels
Santa Fe (passenger red and silver)
This pair of Santa Fe F-9A units included a powered and non-powered example
and was listed in TYCO's 1975-76 catalog. The set is listed with a $19 retail price.
Twin Diesels
Southern Pacific
This set included a powered and a non-powered example of TYCO's Southern Pacific Shark Nose Diesel
in the Daylight scheme.
Twin Diesels
Spirit of '76
Though the majority of TYCO's Brown Box Era locomotives come from Hong
Kong according to their fuel tanks, these Spirit of '76 F-9's are known to have Austria as the country of origin on their
tanks. Cataloged in the 50th Anniversary 1976 edition, this pair of a powered and non-powered Spirit of '76 F-9A units
retailed for $19. JCPenney includes the twin Spirit of '76 F-9A units in their 1976 Christmas catalog. The JCPenney
stock number for this set was #X 926-1546 A and they sold for $14.99 from Penney's.
Twin Diesels
Union Pacific
Two Union Pacific F-9A units, one powered and one dummy, made up this TYCO
Twin Diesels set. TYCO included the Amtrak (No.248-07) and Santa Fe (No.248-21), along with this Union Pacific pair
in the 1975-76 catalog. Like the others, this set retailed for $19 that year.