TYCOKIT Water Tower
The first TYCOKIT sold under the name Water Tower
contains 16-pieces molded in five colors and carries the stock number 7738. When built, the model's dimensions are 2-3/4"
x 3-1/2". This kit was among the introductory group of TYCOKITS in the 1976 TYCO catalog. This kit carries a $2.50 retail
price in the 1976 catalog.
This first example of a Water Tower kit featuring a brick base, not seen on the
second Water Tower TYCOKIT, is found in only two TYCO catalogs: 1976 and 1977. For 1978, TYCO introduces a different
Water Tower kit. The new kit differs in construction from the previous offering in that it had legs rather than the brick
base found on the initial kit. The second Water Tower kit carries the 7769 catalog number and continues in the line from
1978 through 1992.
This kit, produced by Pola in West Germany,
was also offered by AHM as seen below...