Speedy Andrews Repair Shop
No. 7774 -1976 Release
No. 7793 -1979 Release
TYCOKIT No.7774 Speedy Andrews Repair Shop contains 76-pieces molded in
6-colors. When built, the model's dimensions are 5" x 6-1/4". This kit was among the introductory group of TYCOKITS in the
1976 TYCO catalog.
The Speedy Andrews Repair Shop kit is found in TYCO catalogs from 1976 through 1978 labeled as
kit number 7774. In 1979, the kit is listed as "NEW" with 7793 as its stock number. The kit however doesn't change, other
than it carries a new stock number as of 1979. The kit with the 7793 number is found from 1979 through 1982.
AHM also sold this same kit in the 1970s. Currently, Model Power offers a variation of this
kit in their line as Billy's Auto Body.