TYCOKIT Howard Johnson's
-No.7754 and 7754B
TYCOKIT No.7754 Howard Johnson's contains
65-pieces molded in five colors and included a sheet of sticker for signage and interior detail. When built, the model's dimensions
are 8-1/16" x 4-7/16" x 3-5/8". This kit was added to the group of TYCOKITS in the 1979 TYCO catalog.
The Howard
Johnson's kit is featured in TYCO catalogs from 1979-1989. This kit does double-duty in the 1982 TYCO catalog, where
it is found in trains and in the US-1 Trucking line. As part of the US-1 Trucking series, TYCO refers to the kit as Howard
Johnson's Truck Stop and it carries the catalog number of 3783. Besides a different box, the kit's contents remain
the same in either offering. During the 1980s, TYCO included a lighting kit with many offerings and noted such kits
by adding a "B" to the stock number. TYCOKITS that included a lighting kit also generally included an announcement of
the kit on the package face.
In recent years since TYCO departed the model train business, IHC-International Hobby
Corp. has offered this same Howard Johnson's kit among its line.

For two years, 1982 and 1983, TYCO offered three building
kits in its US-1 Trucking product line. All three were taken from the model train TYCOKIT series. The Howard Johnson's
kit becomes the Howard Johnson's Truck Stop (No.3783) in the US-1 Trucking line. Unlike the Exxon
Station and Truck Terminal, which both receive makeovers for their US-1 Trucking appearances, the
Howard Johnson's is the same in either product line. The only exceptions being the different catalog number, name,
and packaging.