TYCOKIT Three Houses Under Construction
-No.7759 and 7766
TYCOKIT Three Houses Under Construction
(No.7759 and 7766) contains 104-pieces molded in 6-colors. When built, the model's dimensions are 3" x 3-3/4". This kit
was among the introductory group of TYCOKITS in the 1976 TYCO catalog. This kit carries a $3.00 retail price in the 1976 catalog.
The Three Houses Under Construction kit is found in TYCO catalogs from 1976 through 1978 carrying
the stock number 7766. In 1979, TYCO re-numbers this kit to 7759 from its original 7766 number and lists it as "NEW." No change
is made to the kit, beyond the re-numbering. As catalog number 7759, this kit is found in the 1979 and 1980 catalogs.
After dropping from TYCO catalogs for a few years, the Three Houses Under Construction kit returns in 1991
and 1992 catalogs. The kit is listed as a new item in 1991's catalog.