Stock Car
Atlantic Coast Line

Stock Car
Denver & Rio Grande
Stock Car
Missouri Kansas Texas
Stock Car
Missouri Pacific

Stock Car
Santa Fe
TYCO's Stock Car is a 40' freight car that arrived in the line prior
to the Red Box Era and continued to be available with some modifications to its tooling through the end of the HO-scale train
line offerings. The above image shows an early example TYCO Stock Car decorated for Santa Fe. Earlier production
runs can be spotted by the metal rails that the car's door slides upon and the metal coupler pocket. The trucks on this
example are also different from the plastic examples found later in Brown Box Era Stock Cars. The open steps are
also an indicator of an earlier production specimen of this car, as later TYCO freight cars began appearing with
filled-in steps. Thanks to Ken Furnevel for the picture.
In the roadname listings below you'll note that catalog appearance dates cease after 1966.
The TYCO Stock Car was very much available after this point, but separate roadname listings no longer are published in TYCO
catalogs of the late 1960s.
The 1960, 1961, 1962-63, 1963-64, 1964-65 and 1965-66 TYCO catalogs
list the retail price of $2.49 for this freight car.
TYCO lists a kit versions, #K312A thru #K312E, in the 1963-64
and 1964-65 catalogs selling for $1.69 each. The kits, #K312A thru #K312E, are $1.89 in the 1965-66 catalog.