1860 Platform Car Central Pacific No. T318-B -1960 Release
1860 Platform Car Georgia Central RR
No. T318-D -1961 Release

1860 Platform Car U.S. Military RR No.
T318-C -1961 Release
1860 Platform Car Western & Atlantic
No. T318-A -1960 Release
The 1960, 1961, 1962-63, 1963-64, 1964-65 and 1965-66 TYCO catalogs list the retail price of $2.98 for this freight car.
The Platform Car is available in kit form in the 1963-64 catalog priced at $1.98. Though the ready-to-run model
is only two roadnames, the kits are in four roadnames, #K318A thru #318D. The Platform Car kits, #K318A and #K318B, are priced
at $1.98 in the 1964-65 and 1965-66 catalogs.