Covered Sugar Car
No. T332-A -1962 Release
This car is first found in TYCO's 1962-63 catalog. The above
example is the kit form that was sold during the '60s.

Covered Sugar Car
Holly Sugar
No. T332-C -1963 Release

Covered Sugar Car
Spreckel's Sugar No. T332-B -1962
The 1962-63, 1963-64, 1964-65 and 1965-66 TYCO catalogs list the retail price of $2.98 for this freight car. TYCO
refers to this car as "Covered Hopper Cars Operating" in the 1963-64, 1964-65 and 1965-66 catalogs, rather than
"Covered Sugar Car" as in previous catalogs. The 1963-64 catalog adds a $2.29 kit version, #K332A thru
#K332C, for the three roadnames of this car. Kits, #K332B and #K332C, are listed at $2.29 each in the 1964-65 catalog. The
kits, #K332B and #K332C, are priced at $2.49 in the 1965-66 catalog.
