Alco RS-11 Diesel Locomotive
Burlington Northern
No. T232J
No. 08309

Alco RS-11 Diesel Locomotive Delaware & Hudson
No. T232K

Alco RS-11 Diesel Locomotive Green Bay & Western
No. T232F
Alco RS-11 Diesel Locomotive Lehigh Valley

Alco RS-11 Diesel Locomotive Missouri Pacific
Alco RS-11 Diesel Locomotive Penn Central

Alco RS-11 Diesel Locomotive Southern Pacific
No. T232G
This European-made HO-Scale ALCO RS-11 started
its career in the U.S. in the Varney line and later into Life-Like's offerings. Over the years, AHM, Model Power, and
others have imported similar examples of this model. Similar to the basic design of the Century-628s and Century-415s,
this model also features the thick heavy handrails that are cast on the engine's frame. The hoods and cab sections are
a separate shell that sits on the frame. Though certainly crude, for their day they were rare examples of HO-Scale diesel
that included tread on the walkways that is now common on most all upscale modern offerings.
The Life-Like RS-11 carried a suggested retail price of $14.00 in the early 1970s.

Just when did Varney disappear and Life-Like appear on HO-scale
trains? If you follow the ads in Railroad Model Craftsman magazine, the date is March 1970 for the debut of Life-Like's
name on the former Varney line of trains. Above is the February 1970 Varney ad for the RS-11 and below is the March
1970 Life-Like ad for the same model.

Below is an example of the Varney RS-11 model.
This would be the same Yugoslovian made RS-11 sold by Life-Like right down the the Penn Central decoration.