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62' Box Car


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62' Box Car

62' Box Cars 1974-75

The 62' Box Car, model No.361 is similar to the Express Reefer, model No.360. In fact, close inspection shows that the catalog picture of six 62' Box Cars in 1974-75 are actually just Express Reefers. The 1975-76 catalog corrects this mistake displaying a 62' double insulated plug door box car that is different from the 62' Express Reefer. The car is first offered at $2.50 retail and remains in TYCO's line into the mid-1980s.

Del Monte 62' Box Car

Del Monte-No.361B
1974-75 and 1975-76

Hunt's 62' Box Car

Hunt's Snack Pack-No.361G
1974-75 and 1975-76

SOS 62' Box Car

1974-75 and 1975-76

Pepsi 62' Box Car


Collector's Notes...

The odd examples for the 62' Box Car seem to be the 'Oreo Cookies,' 'Pillsbury Flour,' and original 'Pepsi' cars. The are found only in the 1974-75 catalog, when the car was introduced.(See Photo Above) Personally, I have never seen any of these three cars beyond the catalogs.

Regarding the 'Pepsi' example, notice the difference between the car show first in 1974-75 and the one that came in 1975-76 and remained in the TYCO line until the 1980s. I've never seen an example of the 1974-75 car with a mostly-blue side. Though the later mostly-white version was produced for many years and is widely available, it still commands a good price when offered on eBay.

Though the 'Del Monte,' 'S.O.S.,' and 'Hunt's,' cars were only listed for two years, I do see them frequently at swamp meets and on eBay auctions.