Center Flow Covered Hopper Freight Car
Pictured above is the 1974-75 line of Center Flow Hoppers. This was the third year the car was offered by TYCO and the first year that saw an expanded number of names available. Unique among them is the Maxwell House car, which is pictured only in 1974-75. The 54' Center Flow Hopper carries the model number 358 and first appears in the 1972-73 catalog. There it is shown in only two names, 'Morton Salt' and 'Kellogg's.' The car remained a standard offering for TYCO for many years, available in many "billboard" names. Letter designations following the model number, 358, arrive in the 1975-76 catalog for each name. For example, adding an "A" makes the 358-A the 'Kellogg's' car. |