1930 Duplex Sleeper
No. 6406-AM
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Baltimore & Ohio
No. 6284-B
No. 6406-B
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Burlington Northern
No. 6406-BN
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Chicago & North Western
No. 6406-CW
The lettering on this CNW sleeper includes the Pullman name, plus the car's name, "Northern
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Denver & Rio Grande
No. 6406-RG
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Illinois Central
No. 6406-IC
The car name on this Illinois Central sleeper is "Baton Rouge."
1930 Duplex Sleeper
No. 6406-L
1930 Duplex Sleeper
New York Central 20th Century
No. 6406-CE
Both sides of same car are presented above to illustrate design.
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Northern Pacific
No. 6384-G
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Pennsylvania Railroad
No. 6284-P
No. 6406-P
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Santa Fe "Blue Goose"
No. 6406-BG
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Southern Pacific
No. 6406-SP
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Union Pacific
No. 6284-U
No. 6406-UP
1930 Duplex Sleeper
Union Pacific -Overland
No. 6406-UG
1930 Duplex Sleeper
No. 6406-NF
The Trade Topics section highlighting new product information in the June 1970 Model Railroder
magazine includes AHM's Streamlined Duplex Sleeper. This car was a new addition to AHM's collection of passenger cars in
mid-1970. The articles states, "this makes five cars which can be used to make up many interesting and different trains."
The four cars that preceeded the Duplex Sleeper to AHM's line included: the coach, obs, sleeper, and RPO. Original roadnames
included: Pennsy, B&O, UP, and NP. The car first sold for $4.98.