Slot Cars
Slot Car Sets

TYCO introduces its HO-scale Slot Car product line with the company's 1963-64 annual catalog. This early '60s period was a major period in slot car history. A slot car craze struck in the United States and TYCO had a new product line. This was the first expansion for TYCO beyond HO-scale Model Trains, which they'd been selling since the early 1950s.

This site presents a history of TYCO's HO-Scale Slot Cars from the introduction in 1963 through 1993. In 1993, Matchbox enters the picture and by 1997, Mattel has the TYCO cars and they become TYCO R/C. Thus, the focus of this site is the original TYCO product offerings for the 30 year period of 1963-1993.

What you'll find on this site is information and images presented in TYCO's annual product catalogs. Complete reproductions of catalog pages are included in the Catalogs section. Slot Car and Slot Car Set offerings are presented in their own sections, plus an Accessories section collects the items TYCO offered in support of this product line.

Historical information referenced from Wikipedia.org