56' Center Flow Hopper
Baltimore & Ohio
No. 5525 -1970 Release
56' Center Flow Hopper
No. 5521 -1970 Release
56' Center Flow Hopper
Penn Central
No. 5526 -1970 Release
56' Center Flow Hopper
No. 5523 -1970 Release
56' Center Flow Hopper
Santa Fe
No. 5524 -1970 Release
56' Center Flow Hopper
Shippers Car Line
No. 5522 -1970 Release
The 1970 Bachmann includes the 56' Center Flow Hopper for the first
time in the N-scale product line. Six roadnames (Hercules, Shippers Car, Reading, Santa Fe, B&O, and Penn Central) are found
in the catalog and the car retails for $2.50.